SEO & Email Marketing

Make your small business bigger.

Get found with SEO.

AED25.00 / per month

Bring more traffic to your website with Search Engine Optimization.

  • Search Optimization: Improve search engine rankings with keyword and suggested topics tool
  • Keyword suggestions: Get personalized phrases and words to add to increase traffic to your website and help it rank better.
  • Tracking your ranking: Track the progress of your website’s rank on Google over time
  • Create your sitemap: Customize, create and submit a site map to aid search engines in crawling your site.

Create and send marketing emails

Email is one of the best ways to reach your customer and is the only communication channel you fully control.

Our Email Marketing plans and prices:


AED36.00 / per month

For anyone getting started with email marketing.

  • Up to 500 Contacts
  • Add more anytime
  • Send up to 5,000 Emails/Month
  • Single Signup Form
  • Basic Image Storage
  • Unsubscribe Handling
  • Works with Facebook, Etsy & More

Up & Running

AED54.00 / per month

Already have clients? This plan’s for you.

  • Up to 2,500 Contacts
  • Add more anytime
  • Send up to 25,000 Emails/Month
  • Unlimited Signup Forms
  • Unlimited Image Storage
  • Unsubscribe Handling
  • Works with Facebook, Etsy & More
  • Automated Welcome Email
  • Converts Blog Posts to Email
  • Unsubscribe Options
  • Hot Leads List


AED110.00 / per month

For savvy marketers with growing mailing lists.

  • Up to 5,000 Contacts
  • Add more anytime
  • Send up to 50,000 Emails/Month
  • Unlimited Signup Forms
  • Unlimited Image Storage
  • Unsubscribe Handling
  • Works with Facebook, Etsy & More
  • Automated Welcome Email
  • Converts Blog Posts to Email
  • Unsubscribe Options
  • Hot Leads List
  • Auto-sends Event Emails
  • Automated Email Campaigns
  • Record Signup IPs
  • Share Statistics w/Others

Need Help?

Have a Question about
Digital Marketing?


We are here to help you 7 days a week and respond within 24 hours. Plus, you can find most answers to your questions right here. 

Digital marketing is any type of marketing that’s done online. It comprises five major areas: Search Engine Optimization (more commonly known as SEO), Paid Search, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Business Listings. The main thing to know about Digital Marketing is that it can deliver incredible results at a fraction of the price of traditional marketing.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is exactly what it sounds like — optimizing your site for search engines so you get the highest rank possible. This involves everything from technical elements like header tags and alt text to simply writing good content that is useful to your users. Most midsize-to-large companies have individuals (and even entire departments) dedicated to SEO, but smaller companies need to rely on other methods to compete.

Our SEO tools anyone can use, even if you don’t know the first thing about websites. Just answer some basic question about your business, and our SEO tools will give you direction on what you can do to improve your SEO through your content.

Paid Search is the flip side of SEO. While SEO is focused on “organic” search results — those that occur due to a site’s relevance, structure, etc. — Paid Search are the ads you see on the above, below and to the right of organic search results. Like SEO, Paid Search cannot be easily explained in a short paragraph, it requires understanding effective keywords, the competitive landscape, and other factors.

Email marketing is marketing your business by sending emails to new and prospective customers. While the overall concept is simple, other things to consider are: best practices and federal laws relating to email marketing.

The email marketing component we provide guides you through each step; from building your mailing list to creating emails to analyzing the results. It also ensures that everything you do is within the law, so you won’t be labeled a spammer.

Chances are you’re already doing some Social Media Marketing. Anytime you post about your business on social media, you’re marketing it. It’s very straightforward, but it’s also very time consuming. Shifting from one platform to the next to make sure you’re showing up everywhere you need to be is a full-time job.

Often overlooked in the realm of digital marketing, is business listings. Business listings appear when customers search on Google Maps. These listings are often created automatically, which means the information is pulled from whatever records are available, and these listings are often outdated and have missing or incorrect information (old address, phone number, wrong website name).

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